Selected Publications

These are a selection of my publications grouped by subject matter.Designing From Both Sides of the Screen

User Experience Design

Isaacs, E. & Walendowski, A. (2001) Designing From Both Sides of the Screen: How Designers and Engineers Can Collaborate to Build Cooperative Technology. New Riders.

Ethnographic Studies

Isaacs, E. & Szymanski, M. (2013). The Value of Rapid Ethnography [PDF], Advancing Ethnography in Corporate Environments, Jordan, B. (Ed)., Left Coast Press, 92-107

Isaacs, E. (2013). Capturing Mobile Telepresence Through Logging and Video Shadowing: A Two-Phase Study Design [PDF], Field Methods, Sage Press.

Glasnapp, J. & Isaacs, E. (2011). No More Circling Around the Block: Evolving a Rapid Ethnographic and Podcasting Method to Guide Innovation in Parking Systems [PDF], Proceedings of Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference (EPIC) '11, Boulder, CO.

The Channel Blending (2012) paper also discusses the results of an ethnographic study.

Use of Mobile Devices

Isaacs, E., Szymanski, M., Yamauchi, Y., Glasnapp, J., & Iwamoto, K, (2012). Integrating Local and Remote Worlds Through Channel Blending [PDF], Proceedings of the Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) '12, Seattle, WA: ACM Press.

Isaacs, E., Yee, N., Schiano, D., Good, N., Ducheneaut, N., & Bellotti, V. (2009) Mobile Microwaiting Moments: The Role of Context in Receptivity to Content While on the Go [PDF], PARC white paper.

Bellotti, V., Begole, B., Chi, E., Ducheneaut, N., Fang, J., Isaacs, E., King, T., Newman, M., Partridge, K., Price, B., Rasmussen, P., Roberts, M., Schiano, D., and Walendoswki, A. (2008). Activity-Based Serendipitous Recommendations with the Magitti Mobile Leisure Guide [PDF], Proceedings of the Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (CHI), Florence, Italy. ACM Press, 1157-1166.

Isaacs, E., Bellotti, V., Walendowski, A., Ducheneaut, N. & Newman, M. (2008). A Field Evaluation of the User Experience of a Mobile Recommender of Leisure Activities [PDF], PARC white paper.

The Hubbub (2002) paper also discusses the use of a mobile device.


Isaacs, E., Konrad, A., Walendowski, A., Lenning, T., Hollis, V. & Whittaker, S. (2013). Echoes From the Past: How Technology Mediated Reflection Improves Well-Being [PDF], Proceedings of the Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (CHI), Paris, France. ACM Press.

Awareness and Lightweight Communication

Isaacs, E., Walendowski, A., Whittaker, S., Schiano, D.J., & Kamm, C., (2002). The Character, Functions, and Styles of Instant Messaging in the Workplace [PDF], Proceedings of the Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) '02, New Orleans, LA: ACM Press, 11-22.

Isaacs, E., Walendowski, A., and Ranganathan, D., (2002). Hubbub: A Sound-Enhanced Mobile Instant Messenger that Supports Awareness and Opportunistic Interactions [PDF], Proceedings of the Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (CHI) '02, Minneapolis, MN: ACM Press, 179-186.

Isaacs, E., Whittaker, S., Frohlich, D. & O'Conaill, B. (1997). Informal Communication Re-examined: New Functions For Video in Supporting Opportunistic Encounters [PDF], Video-Mediated Communication, Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum, 459-485.

Isaacs, E., Tang, J., & Morris, T. (1996) Piazza: A Desktop Environment Supporting Serendipitous and Planned Interactions [PDF], Proceedings of the Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) '96, Boston, MA, 315-324.

Media-supported Collaboration

Isaacs, E., Morris, T. & Rodriguez, T. (1994). A Forum for Supporting Interactive Presentations to Distributed Audiences [PDF], Proceedings of the Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW '94), Chapel Hill, NC, 405-416.

Isaacs, E., Morris, T., Rodriguez, T., & Tang, J. (1995) A Comparison of Face-to-face and Distributed Presentations [PDF], Proceedings of the Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (CHI '95), Denver, CO, 354-361.

Tang, J.C., Isaacs, E. & Rua, M. (1994). Supporting Distributed Groups with a Montage of Lightweight Interactions [PDF], Proceedings of the Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW '94), Chapel Hill, NC, 23-34.

Isaacs, E. & Tang, J. (1994) What Video Can and Can't Do for Collaboration: A Case Study [PDF], Multimedia Systems, 2, 63-73. Earlier version in ACM Multimedia '93 Proceedings, Anaheim, CA, 199-206.

Tang, J. C. & Isaacs, E. (1993). Why Do Users Like Video? Studies of Multimedia Supported Collaboration [PDF], CSCW: An International Journal, 1:3, 163-196. (Also a Sun Labs technical report, SMLI TR-92-5).

Isaacs, E. & Tang, J. (1997) Studying Video-Based Collaboration in Context: From Small Workgroups to Large Organizations [PDF], Video-Mediated Communication, Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum, 173-197.

Isaacs, E. (1998) Microcosm: Support for Virtual Commmunities via an Online Graphical Environment [PDF], Proceedings of the Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (CHI)'98, Los Angeles, CA: ACM Press, 5-6.

Processes and Skills

Isaacs, E. (1998) Sharing a Leadership Role in a Collaborative Team [PDF], interactions magazine, July-August, 1998, 11-16. (Article on managing at Electric Communities as part of a collaborative team.)

Isaacs, E. (1996), Interviewing Customers: Discovering What They Can't Tell You [PDF], Proceedings of the Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (CHI)'96, Boston, MA: ACM Press, 378-379.

Isaacs, E., Morris, T. & Rodriguez, T. (1995) Lessons Learned from a Successful Collaboration Between Software Engineers and Human Interface Engineers, Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Software Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction, 896, 232-240. Earlier version in Proceedings of the Workshop on Software Engineering/Computer-Human Interaction, Sorrento, Italy, May '94, 119-121.


Isaacs, E. & Tang, J. (1996) Why Don't More Non-North-American Papers Get Accepted to CHI? [PDF], SIGCHI Bulletin, 28: 1, 59-65.

Isaacs, E. (1995) Gender Discrimination in the Workplace: A Literature Review [PDF], Communications of the ACM, Special issue on Women in Computing, 38:1, 58-59.

Psychology of Conversation

Isaacs, E. & Clark, H.H. (1990) Ostensible Invitations, Language in Society, 19, 493-509.

Isaacs, E. & Clark, H.H. (1987) References in Conversation between Experts and Novices [PDF], Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 116, 26-37.

Isaacs, E., (1989). Mutual Memory for Conversation, Doctoral Dissertation, Stanford University.

Out of Left Field

Isaacs, E. (1983) Visual Cues Compensate for Blindness in One Eye, The New York Times, 9/13/83, Section C, page 2.

Blumstein, S., Isaacs, E. & Mertus, J. (1982) The Role of the Gross Spectral Shape as a Perceptual Cue to Place of Articulation in Initial Stop Consonants, Journal of the Acoustic Society of America, 72, 43-50.

Isaacs, E. (1981) John Madden Stars on the Tube, The Complete Handbook of Pro Football, Z. Hollander (Ed.), Signet, New York, 1981, 38-45.